April 14th 2015
About 8/9 months ago, give or take; Kilkenny county council threatened protesters at the KCAS instream works site with injunctions; today Kilkenny county council have agreed to change the manner in which they (regretfully) continue to build the hated KCAS because these same protesters got organised- raised money- from busking to skills auctions, cake sales, car boot, jumble sales and donations- and injuncted kkcoco! Today kkcoco have agreed to pay costs and work in a more environmentally friendly manner; that is, from the river bank. They have been held accountable- not by our councillors but by ordinary local people; especial thanks to Chris who had the guts to take this case. I would like to hear the council reassure the people of Kilkenny that no significant adverse impacts to this cSAC river have happened. I hope our councillors do likewise. Never more proud to be a Kilkenny cat!
P. Ó’Ceallaigh.